During last two decades recombinant DNA technology has been used to transform microbes, plants, and animals into new organisms with novel traits. Besides medical care, the main applications of this technology are for food and feed production. From 1996, GM crop acreage has increased steadily reaching 180 million hectors in the year 2016. The crops raised on the new acreage tend to be confined to four crops and are the products of five giant multinational agrochemical companies. Nearly 90 percent of the GM crops are grown at large farms of the Americas.
Investors and proponents of this new breeding technology claim that GM crops can reduce pesticide use and production costs, increase yields and thus help solve the global hunger problem. However, problems of the proliferation of super weeds/super bugs, contamination by GM crops, surge of seed prices, and cooperation control of seeds have hurt farmers to some extent in many countries. To deal with environmental impacts of GM crop production as well as the potential health risk of GM foods, different countries have taken different measures, such as GM food labeling, thus arousing tensions in the international trade talks. This forum offers opportunities to present and discuss all ethical aspects of the application of GM crops and foods.