Many indicators suggest that climate change in recent decades has hurt world food production, lowering yields and increasing prices. Temperatures are rising, precipitation patterns are changing, and extreme weather events are occurring more frequently around the world. Climate change is now a major threat to sustainable food security. Understanding the impacts of past trends can help gauge the importance of near-term climate change for supply and conservation of key food commodities. This session will provide a forum for international scientists, young researchers and concerned participants to present their latest research findings, exchange research ideas and share their experiences in climate change, crops production and ethics studies.
過去數十年來的全球暖化現象已經嚴重衝擊了世界的糧食生產,不但降低作物的產量,也提高了食物的價 格。暖化的結果帶來地表溫度的持續上升,降雨型態大幅改變,極端的氣候變化正以更快的頻率影響世界 各地。氣候變遷造成的永續食物安全是本世紀要面對的主要議題之一。對於過往趨勢的了解與整理能夠幫助我們面對近期氣候變化在主要糧食物種的安全與保育課題上掌握重要的方向與策略。本研討會子題將針對氣候變遷、作物生產與倫理等層面提供一個討論的平台,讓國際的學者、年輕的研究人員與關心此議題的社會人士一起交流研究的成果與理念,交換彼此的經驗。