Abstract Submission Guidelines
General Notices
- The official working language of the conference is English. It will be used for abstract and later full paper submissions
- Abstract Submission Deadline: EXTENDED to December 20, 2017
- Notification of Acceptance: EXTENDED to January 10, 2018
- Full Papers Submission Deadline: March 17, 2018 (if accepted)
Conference Themes
We invite submissions of abstracts relating to the following themes:
- Crop production in climate change and ethics
- Animal production in climate change and ethics
- Planning and land ethics
- Consumer and food safety
- Food and agricultural education
- Food sovereignty and fairness
- Gender and food
- Indigenous peoples' food sovereignty
- Ethics and genetically modified food
- Ethnic groups and food cultures
- Other
Submitting an Abstract
- Submitted abstract should contain title, an abstract of 1,200 words, 3‐5 keywords, and the author’s name, organization, position, contact number, and email.
- Only original material should be submitted.
- The author should indicate which conference theme listed above that you intend to submit. Please clearly note it in the “abstract”.
- The author should also indicate his/her intended form of presentations: poster or oral presentation. Please clearly note it in the “abstract”.
- All submissions are to be done online (website: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=apsafe2018)
Review Process
- To ensure a high-quality conference, all submissions will be assessed by each conference theme chair/editors according to theme that author indicated. Abstract acceptance decision will be released after conference committee meeting.
- Final placement in an oral session or poster session is subject to each theme chair/editors’ discretion. Full paper submission is required for oral session presenter.
- The list of abstracts accepted will be released on the conference website, and the contact author will be notified by e-mail no later than January 10, 2018.
Information on the Proceedings of APSafe Conference
- Author received accepted abstract will be required to submit a full paper online by March 17, 2018.
- Full papers are to be written in “English”. It should include: Title, abstract (both Chinese* and English), keywords and article. The article is limited to 3500 and 8000 words, including problematics, methods, possible contribution, and references. (* for non-native Chinese speakers, we offer translation service)
- Manuscript instructions should follow the ‘manuscript submission’ guidelines of the journal, Food Ethics: A Journal of the Societies for Agricultural and Food Ethics. Please look up “Instruction for Authors” Section. (http://www.springer.com/philosophy/ethics+and+moral+philosophy/journal/41055)
- Submitted papers must not have been published or accepted for publication.
- Presenters are encouraged to take advantage of the opportunity to submit their work to APSafe’s peer-reviewed journal Food Ethics.
- Poster size is 120cm-long and 90cm-wide. The presenter is required to stand by the poster during the scheduled poster session to answer questions from attendees.
- Further detailed presentation guidelines will be announced in conference website.
APSafe 2018研討會 論文徵稿、投稿、審稿說明
- 本研討會論文以「英文」 發表(包含投稿摘要與研討會論文集之全文) 。
- 徵稿截止日期:展延至2017年12月20日 。
- 審查結果通知:展延至2018年1月10日 。
- 全文繳交時間: 2018年3月17日(摘要審查結果通過論文全文發表者)。
- 作物生產的氣候衝擊與倫理 Crops production in climate and ethics
- 動物生產的氣候衝擊與倫理 Animal production in climate and ethics
- 土地倫理與規劃 Planning and land ethics
- 消費者與食安 Consumer and food safety
- 食農教育 Food and agricultural education
- 糧食主權與正義 Food sovereignty and fairness
- 性別與食物 Gender and food
- 原住民族的食物主權 Indigenous peoples' food sovereignty
- 基因改造食物與倫理 Ethics and genetically modified food
- 多元族裔與飲食文化 Ethnic groups and food cultures
- 其他 Other
- 投稿摘要內容須包含:論文題目、主要論點摘要約為英文1200字、關鍵字 3-5個,並註明作者姓名、服務單位與職稱、聯絡電話與 email 。
- 投稿論文須為原創,不得一稿二投 。
- 投稿時必須於abstract欄位中,明確標註所欲投稿之論文子題或其他 。
- 投稿時必須於abstract欄位中,明確標註投稿形式:口頭發表或海報 。
- 論文投稿採用線上系統,網址:https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=apsafe2018
- 論文收件後,籌備委員將依會議論文子題進行分組審查,再經審查委員會開會後公布審查結果 。
- 摘要投稿結果為口頭發表(需繳交論文全文)或海報發表,將由該子題之審查小組委員決定 。
- 論文錄取名單將於2018年1月10日以前於會議網站公告和電子郵件通知投稿者 。
- 摘要審查結果通過論文全文發表者須於 2018年3月17日前完成線上全文繳交 。
- 投稿論文以「英文」 發表;檔案內應包含論文名稱、中英文摘要、關鍵字與本文。本文字數限制為3500-8000英文字(包含問題意識、基本文獻、研究方法與可能的貢獻等) 。
- 撰稿體例須參照 Food Ethics: A Journal of the Societies for Agricultural and Food Ethics 期刊論文的投稿說明(manuscript submission),請查閱期刊網頁中之「投稿須知」(Instruction for Authors)(http://www.springer.com/philosophy/ethics+and+moral+philosophy/journal/41055) 。
- 投稿之論文,應未曾發表於其他中、外會議或刊物 。
- 論文發表者可將修正後論文投稿至APSafe的關係期刊 Food Ethics 。
- 海報展示論文之尺寸規格:寬 90cm,高120cm。發表者代表必須在發表時段到場,並與參與者討論 。
- 更進一步的論文全文或海報發表須知將後續公布於研討會網站上 。