2. Animal Production in Climate Change and Ethics

Are you concerned about welfare of wildlife and livestock in relation to our environment? Are you involved in the issues of livestock production in relation to the food we eat? Are you aware of the wider impacts of livestock production in relation to climate change? Are you anxious about the challenge of feeding a growing population during a period of climate change?

We look for students, academics, professionals, policy makers and NGOs who work in academia, food business, media or advocacy groups to participate in the “2018 APSafe conference” to share your views on these matters.

We look forward to working together on ethical issues of animal production that would advance our food and farming systems and benefit people, animals and the earth.


你關心野生與經濟動物福利和環境之間的關係嗎? 你在意畜禽生產與我們所吃食物相關的議題嗎? 或者你瞭解畜牧與氣候變遷的關聯會造成甚麼影響? 氣候變遷議題方興未艾,該如何餵飽成長中的人口,你會感到焦慮?




